A bit scattered here, not a lot of things going on....
Single Girl quilt blocks, hung so I know where they are
String spiderweb stars, again so they don't get "lost"
"Omigosh, it's Denyse" second set of blocks
A BEE block, some 3 inch blocks (bow-tie, star and spool)
and two lonely "Sylvia's Bridal Sampler" blocks on the far, top right
These are crumb blocks.
Miss (now) 5 and I pieced them last year
The top *only* needed 2 triangles and a few seams to be complete
now I'm waiting on decisions to be made regarding borders
....but you can't hurry 5 year old quilters!!
I'm linking up with
Judy at Patchwork Times, head on over and check out the creative!!